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Before and After the Bathtub Refinishing Process

Why are bathtub liners so much more expensive than refinishing ?


Most bathtub liner companies are chains with large overheads. They have to buy a tub liner which has to be custom manufactured offsite at the headquarters office and shipped over. Then they have to ship it to your home and further custom fit it to fit over your tub as well as make sure, hope and pray that all the plumbing will fit properly. Bath Liners may be a good option for a motel or an apartment complex that can get a big volume discount because all the liners will be the same fit and shipped to the same location. However, many Bath liners have failed. The seal around the liner can fail and allow water to get in between the liner and the tub. Once this occurs mold starts to grow and the liner can have a "squishy" feel to it, due to water being trapped underneath. Liners are considerably more costly than refinishing, as much as eight times more expensive. Most liner companies will not warranty a liner unless they install their wall system as well. This combination can cost as much as $6000 dollars. Refinishing is a much better option.

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